十多年来,侯锷立足互联网传播环境变迁下的当代中国社会政治现实,将传播学与政治学、管理学、社会学等跨学科整合,长期浸润于新媒体空间的参与、对话和体验式观察,从实践案例中提炼、理解并解释形成“新媒体”对政党执政与国家治理、社会治理能力现代化建设领域的前哨理论,以实证研究和扎根理论(Grounded Theory)为主导,发现、发展和检验新时代政务新媒体新理论体系的基础研究,是我国政务新媒体理论体系的重要奠基人之一。曾参与总理基金课题《大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目》之子课题《大气污染防治舆论传播规律与舆论引导》,负责相关主题章节撰写。
2018年8月28日,侯锷通过微博提议“将微博九年积淀的后台信息数据库整体打包,永久收藏并保护于国家图书馆”并积极推动。2019年4月19日,国家图书馆互联网信息战略保存项目在北京启动,首家互联网信息战略保存基地落户新浪,作为该战略合作项目最早的呼吁者和倡导者,侯锷与时任国家文化和旅游部公共服务司副司长陈彬斌、国家图书馆馆长饶权、微博CEO 王高飞共同在现场启动该项目仪式。
HouE, a native of Baoji, Shaanxi. Members of the Communist Party of China.
Senior Fellow, Academy of Media and Public Affairs, Communication University of China. New Media Lab Chief Researcher. Contract Research Fellow of Public opinion research center, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. Former Public Relations Institute of Tsinghua University, Senior Fellow with the Strategic Communications.
Participated in the "Public Opinion Dissemination Law and Public Opinion Guidance for the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution" of the Prime Minister's Fund Project "The Causes and Governance of Heavy Air Pollution", and was responsible for the writing of relevant chapters.
▲ 图:2019年4月19日,国家图书馆互联网信息战略保存项目在北京启动,首家互联网信息战略保存基地落户新浪。作为此项战略保存项目最早的呼吁者和倡导者,侯锷(右一)与时任国家文化和旅游部公共服务司副司长陈彬斌(左一)、国家图书馆馆长饶权(左二)、微博CEO 王高飞(右二)在现场共同启动了该项目仪式。
On August 28, 2018, Hou E proposed through Weibo to "package the back-end information database accumulated over the past nine years of Weibo, permanently store and protect it in the National Library" and actively promote it. On April 19, 2019, the National Library's Internet Information Strategic Preservation Project was launched in Beijing. The first Internet information strategic preservation base was settled in Sina. Hou E attended and participated in the on-site launching ceremony.
From the GOV-Weibo, GOV-Wechat / Yixin to GOV-APP, GOV Internet radio & short videos, he has keen insight, at the forefront of new media and political communication services applied research, Media and public affairs research focuses on the development of the new media environment, is one of the leading scholars of the current research in the field of new media-government influential. In recent years, co-authored by writer CASS Institute of Journalism and dissemination hosted a series of annual reports compiled by the "New Media Blue Book" :
· "China Government New Midea (Microblog) Yearbook (2009-2018)" (Social Sciences Academic Press, 2019)
· "Yinchuan Mode : "Internet + social governance" Methodology"(National School of Administration Press,2015)
· "Micro-politics of the times" (China Intercontinental Press, 2012)
· "Enterprise Weibo Management Handbook" (Printing Industry Press, 2011)
· "Chief Learning Officer" (Social Sciences Academic Press, 2010)
· "Corporate university strategy" (People Post Press, 2009) and so on.
▲ 图:2019年1月22日,由侯锷主持编纂的《中国政务新媒体(微博)年鉴(2009-2018)》在北京召开的“2019政务V影响力峰会”上举行了隆重的首发式。该年鉴由中国传媒大学政务新媒体实验室(GovLab)主任侯锷主编,社会科学文献出版社出版,全书共四卷本808万字。《中国政务新媒体(微博)年鉴(2009-2018)》是中国第一部综合史册性、社会性、文献性、案例性的新媒体大型学术工具书,首次较为全面、系统、客观、纪实性记载中国共产党人在全球最大的中文社交媒体平台微博,高举习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想伟大旗帜,积极践行网络群众路线、开展批评与自我批评,全面推进依法治国方略和网络强国战略的大型编年体综合文献,也是一部新时代媒介执政能力建设的学术资政新鉴。
▲ 2019年9月12日下午,以“新时代的中国:创新湖南 融入世界”为主题的外交部湖南全球推介活动,在外交部蓝厅隆重举行。侯锷受邀参与线上活动,为“文化湖南”点赞助力。
More than 10 years, HouE focused and committed to exploring the development of IT transformation and changes brought about by the communication of the environment, particularly in the inheritance and development of mass communication principles mobile Internet instant messaging communication and media convergence background, social system of communication theory Construction and key theoretical innovation, communication strategies and public service practice analysis applications. Topics to be social media in the era of information technology, the propagation law and social communication mode change, and organizational and individual image building, emergency public opinion guide, combining traditional issues, such as press releases, formed a comprehensive, fusion, frontiers and practical academic achievements.
Current and future, combined with years of Hou E core research and accumulated advantages in the field of media and public affairs, HouE will focus on new media, mobile, social media in the field of the development trend of government affairs and cutting-edge applications to media services to enhance the effectiveness of the government's public affairs, and to explore new channels of information disclosure, new strategies and new methods for the relevant government departments to provide forward-looking, professional advice and policy recommendations.
⊙ 网络社群与政治参与
⊙ 网络舆情与应急舆论引导
⊙ 移动即时信息媒介与新闻发布
⊙ 新媒体传播与政务舆情回应
⊙ 网络强国战略下的政党执政与社会治理
The main research direction:
· The Internet Communities & Political Participation
· Internet public opinion and public opinion to guide emergency
· Mobile Instant Information Medium(MIIM)& News Releases
· New media communication and Government public opinion response
· Party governance and social governance under the strategy of network power
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